VirtualTam's bookmarks
87 bookmarks found
AFL++ - American Fuzzy Lop Fuzzing Framework
2025-02-15 - AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
- AFLplusplus/LibAFL - A collection of reusable pieces of fuzzers
- rc0r/afl-utils - Utilities for automated crash sample processing/analysis, job management and corpus optimization
- 0xricksanchez/AFL_Runner - Scaling best-practice AFLPlusPlus fuzzing campaigns made easy
- AFL++ Papers
- Sister Projects
- The LibAFL Book
- Fuzzing projects with american fuzzy lop (AFL)
- afl - american fuzzy lop
- Packer - QEMU Integration
- SSH password needs to be generated dynamically during auto-install
- kubernetes-sigs/image-builder - Tools for building Kubernetes disk images
The CLIP OS project is an open-source project designed by the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) that aims to build a hardened, multi-level operating system, based on the Linux kernel and a lot of free and open source software.
The project is based on Gentoo Hardened and has many similarities with Chromium OS or the Yocto project.
- Build own USB device on linux-based board!
- What Are Differential Pairs?
- How to route USB data lines on a PCB
- Can You Route USB 2.0 on a 2-Layer Board?
- KiCad STM32 Hardware Design - An Overview in 20 Minutes - Phil's Lab #15
- STM32 Programming via USB (DFU) - Phil's Lab #72
- How To: STM32F103C8T6 As An USB Device (Virtual Serial Port / CDC)
79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupts. In Herculaneum, twenty meters of hot mud and ash bury an enormous villa once owned by the father-in-law of Julius Caesar. Inside, there is a vast library of papyrus scrolls. The scrolls are carbonized by the heat of the volcanic debris. But they are also preserved. For centuries, as virtually every ancient text exposed to the air decays and disappears, the library of the Villa of the Papyri waits underground, intact.
- Vesuvius Challenge 2023
- educelab/volume-cartographer - Volumetric processing toolkit and C++ libraries for the recovery and restoration of damaged cultural materials
- KhartesViewer/khartes - Explore, and then segment, the data volumes created by high-resolution X-ray tomography of the Herculaneum scrolls
- The Getty Villa
- Herculaneum Papyri
- Students Decipher 2,000-Year-Old Herculaneum Scrolls
Mutagen Extension for Docker Desktop
2023-01-07 Create synchronized caches of macOS and Windows filesystem contents in ext4 volumes inside the Docker Desktop VM