VirtualTam's bookmarks
119 bookmarks found
ESPARGOS - ESP32-based WiFi sensing array
2025-02-17 - Dataset: Four phase- and time-synchronous ESPARGOS antenna arrays in a lab room
- ESPARGOS/pyespargos - Python library for working with the ESPARGOS WiFi channel sounder
- This ESP32 Antenna Array Can See WiFi
- Source Code for Paper "Augmenting Channel Charting with Classical Wireless Source Localization Techniques"
- Phased Arrays - Steering and the Antenna Pattern | An Animated Intro to Phased Arrays
tio - A serial device I/O tool
2024-11-24 -
- Build own USB device on linux-based board!
- What Are Differential Pairs?
- How to route USB data lines on a PCB
- Can You Route USB 2.0 on a 2-Layer Board?
- KiCad STM32 Hardware Design - An Overview in 20 Minutes - Phil's Lab #15
- STM32 Programming via USB (DFU) - Phil's Lab #72
- How To: STM32F103C8T6 As An USB Device (Virtual Serial Port / CDC)
The AirGradient Builds Overview
2024-10-23 -
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Audio Gadget
2024-05-21 -
The Embedded Rustacean