VirtualTam's bookmarks
74 bookmarks found
AFL++ - American Fuzzy Lop Fuzzing Framework
2025-02-15 - AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
- AFLplusplus/LibAFL - A collection of reusable pieces of fuzzers
- rc0r/afl-utils - Utilities for automated crash sample processing/analysis, job management and corpus optimization
- 0xricksanchez/AFL_Runner - Scaling best-practice AFLPlusPlus fuzzing campaigns made easy
- AFL++ Papers
- Sister Projects
- The LibAFL Book
- Fuzzing projects with american fuzzy lop (AFL)
- afl - american fuzzy lop
- Matteo Brittanti - How to get rid of homeless? - A 600-page epic split in two volumes documenting the so-called “homeless scandal” that affected the newly released game SimCity (Maxis/Electronic Arts, 2013)
- Stanisław Lem - The Cyberiad
- MIT - Urban Intervention Simulation (archive)
- MIT - City Science Research Group
- The Landlord's Game, a realty and taxation game intended to educate users about Georgism
- Invisible Cities, prose poems describing 55 fictitious cities, many of which can be read as commentary on culture, language, time, memory, death, or human experience
CERN Open Hardware Licence
2024-11-03 -
- Mathematics Meta Stack Exchange - Why do people use blackboard bold here and elsewhere in print?
- LaTeX Stack Exchange - Looking for a blackboard bold (\mathbb) math font that is thicker than Latin Modern or Computer Modern
- The LaTeX Font Catalogue - Fonts with math support
- CTAN - bbold – Sans serif blackboard bold
- CTAN - amsfonts – TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
- Technical Paper (2021-06-21)
- Publications
- Blog
- Project References
- BeamNG/BeamNGpy - Python API for
- BeamNG/beamng-ros2-integration - Robot Operating System integration
- nsnam/ns-3-dev
- Tutorial
- Installation
- Models
- NetAnim - Animates a previously executed simulation using an XML trace file generated during a simulation
- Scuba: Diving into Data at Facebook - International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) (PDF, Talk)
- HN discussion
- Axiom - Stop sampling, observe every event
- Eventrelay - An event streaming/storage system for the rest of us
- Honeycomb - Identify Outliers
- Rill - Fast operational dashboards that your team will actually use
- Strangeloop 17 - Why We Built Our Own Distributed Column Store by Sam Stokes
The Sunlight Certificate Transparency Log
2024-03-16 -
- ahrm/sioyek - a PDF viewer with a focus on textbooks and research papers
- frabjous/knap - Neovim plugin for creating live-updating-as-you-type previews of LaTeX, markdown, and other files
A Beginner’s Guide to Finding User Needs
2023-06-24 Qualitative research on user motivations, activities and problems.
- HyperLogLog: the analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm (PDF)
- HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithmic Engineering of a State of The Art Cardinality Estimation Algorithm
- Redis new data structure: the HyperLogLog