VirtualTam's bookmarks
234 bookmarks found
AFL++ - American Fuzzy Lop Fuzzing Framework
2025-02-15 - AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
- AFLplusplus/LibAFL - A collection of reusable pieces of fuzzers
- rc0r/afl-utils - Utilities for automated crash sample processing/analysis, job management and corpus optimization
- 0xricksanchez/AFL_Runner - Scaling best-practice AFLPlusPlus fuzzing campaigns made easy
- AFL++ Papers
- Sister Projects
- The LibAFL Book
- Fuzzing projects with american fuzzy lop (AFL)
- afl - american fuzzy lop
- fubark/zig-v8 - Simple V8 builds with C and Zig bindings
- lightpanda-io/zig-v8-fork
- lightpanda-io/zig-js-runtime
- Volcamp 2024 - Créer un browser from scratch, c'est possible ?
Zork: The Great Inner Workings
2025-01-21 It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
AI Flame Graphs
2025-01-20 AI developers think about their bit of code, but with AI Flame Graphs they can now see the entire stack for the first time, including the HW, and many layers they don't usually think about or don't know about. It basically looks like a pile of gibberish with their code only a small part of the flame graph.
This reaction is similar to people's first experiences with CPU flame graphs, which show parts of the system that developers and engineers typically don't work on, such as runtime internals, system libraries, and kernel internals.
Gpick - an advanced color picker
2025-01-11 -
Another way to exiting IEX other than Ctrl-C
2024-12-07 -
- Electropaint History (archived 2011-07-26)
- Silicon Graphics - Irix - ElectroPaint screen saver
- iamralpht/elektropaintjs - Electropaint screensaver from IRIX in JavaScript
__ __ /..\ /| |'-. .\_O/ || | | OH WOW _ / `._ \|_|_.-' FREE SOFTWARE | / \__.`=._) (_ |/ ._/ |"""""""""| LET ME IN |'. `\ | | ON THIS ;"""/ / | | ) /_/| |.-------.| ' `-`' " "
2024-11-26 I have written a lot of software. I used to do it for fun. Then I started getting paid for it. Then it stopped being fun. Then I stopped getting paid for it. And now I write software sometimes for fun, but mostly in self-defense.
tio - A serial device I/O tool
2024-11-24 -
- Discussion on Hacker News
- Book report by Steward Brand
- ROMchip Presents: Building SimCity: A Conversation with Will Wright and Chaim Gingold
- EA Sim City 2000 Will Wright Interview
- Game Developer Magazine - April/May 1995
- Stanford Libraries - Interfacing to Microworlds, Will Wright, Maxis
- Will Wright on Designing User Interfaces to Simulation Games (1996) (2023 Video Update)
- Will Wright and Brian Eno - Generative Systems
- Playing with Time | Brian Eno and Will Wright
- SimHacker/MicropolisCore - SimCity/Micropolis C++ Core
Related books:
- Build own USB device on linux-based board!
- What Are Differential Pairs?
- How to route USB data lines on a PCB
- Can You Route USB 2.0 on a 2-Layer Board?
- KiCad STM32 Hardware Design - An Overview in 20 Minutes - Phil's Lab #15
- STM32 Programming via USB (DFU) - Phil's Lab #72
- How To: STM32F103C8T6 As An USB Device (Virtual Serial Port / CDC)
The Annotated Hacker Test | For those of us who didn't receive a case of beer with our computer.
2024-11-19 - Original plain text version from 1989
- Real Programmers Don't Use PASCAL (see: