VirtualTam's bookmarks
101 bookmarks found
2024-11-26 I have written a lot of software. I used to do it for fun. Then I started getting paid for it. Then it stopped being fun. Then I stopped getting paid for it. And now I write software sometimes for fun, but mostly in self-defense.
The Annotated Hacker Test | For those of us who didn't receive a case of beer with our computer.
2024-11-19 - Original plain text version from 1989
- Real Programmers Don't Use PASCAL (see:
Rust in Illumos
2024-09-11 -
- What is illumos?
- Distributions
- oxidecomputer/helios - A distribution of illumos powering the Oxide Rack
Tips on Adding JSON Output to Your CLI App
2024-04-23 - Bringing the Unix Philosophy to the 21st Century
- kellyjonbrazil/jc - CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries
1# GNU sed 2sed -e 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' 3 4# macOS 5sed -e $'s/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g'
Cool, but obscure X11 tools
2023-07-22 -
The Dam - A slack clone in 5 lines of bash
2023-07-22 - edouardklein/suc - The Simple UNIX Chat
- - Public access UNIX systems
Control, Escape, and Meta Tricks
2023-06-17 -
Host blah AddKeysToAgent yes ForwardAgent yes
- Directory for temporary files. Often not preserved between system reboots and may be severely size-restricted./var/tmp
- Temporary files to be preserved between reboots.
Unix ASCII games | awesome-ttygames