VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. The Maintainers 2019-04-16

    The Maintainers is a global, interdisciplinary research network that takes a different approach, one whose conceptual starting point was a playful proposal for a counter-volume to Isaacson’s that could be titled The Maintainers: How a Group of Bureaucrats, Standards Engineers, and Introverts Made Technologies That Kind of Work Most of the Time. Network members come from a variety of fields, including academic historians and social scientists, as well as artists, activists, engineers, and business leaders. All share an interest in the concepts of maintenance, infrastructure, repair, and the myriad forms of labor and expertise that sustain our human-built world.

  2. iptables 2018-07-04





    RHEL Documentation:

  3. Humour de sonneurs 2014-12-08

    Quelle est la différence entre un penn-batteur et un philosophe?

    • Il n'y en a pas. Les deux ont une conception du temps plutôt abstraite.

    Qu'est-ce qu'un gentleman?

    • Quelqu'un qui sait jouer du biniou, mais qui s'abstient.
  4. Classic Disney animated films. Now with Grumpy Cat!

    This series features well known Disney films with the Internet's most famous grouchy feline in place of one of the characters.

    The concept is simple: the appearance of the cat must derail the plot of the film.