VirtualTam's bookmarks
40 bookmarks found
- Red Hat’s commitment to open source: A response to the changes
- Hackaday - CentOS Is Dead, Long Live CentOS
- Impact of RHEL changes to AlmaLinux
- Brave New World: The Path Forward for Rocky Linux
- Rocky Linux Expresses Confidence Despite Red Hat's Announcement
- Jeff Geerling - Dear Red Hat: Are you dumb?
- Jeff Geerling - Removing official support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- JMJ - Re-evaluating RHEL
- Scuba: Diving into Data at Facebook - International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) (PDF, Talk)
- HN discussion
- Axiom - Stop sampling, observe every event
- Eventrelay - An event streaming/storage system for the rest of us
- Honeycomb - Identify Outliers
- Rill - Fast operational dashboards that your team will actually use
- Strangeloop 17 - Why We Built Our Own Distributed Column Store by Sam Stokes
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