VirtualTam's bookmarks
183 bookmarks found
- Discussion on Hacker News
- Book report by Steward Brand
- ROMchip Presents: Building SimCity: A Conversation with Will Wright and Chaim Gingold
- EA Sim City 2000 Will Wright Interview
- Game Developer Magazine - April/May 1995
- Stanford Libraries - Interfacing to Microworlds, Will Wright, Maxis
- Will Wright on Designing User Interfaces to Simulation Games (1996) (2023 Video Update)
- Will Wright and Brian Eno - Generative Systems
- Playing with Time | Brian Eno and Will Wright
- SimHacker/MicropolisCore - SimCity/Micropolis C++ Core
Related books:
The Annotated Hacker Test | For those of us who didn't receive a case of beer with our computer.
2024-11-19 - Original plain text version from 1989
- Real Programmers Don't Use PASCAL (see:
- Mathematics Meta Stack Exchange - Why do people use blackboard bold here and elsewhere in print?
- LaTeX Stack Exchange - Looking for a blackboard bold (\mathbb) math font that is thicker than Latin Modern or Computer Modern
- The LaTeX Font Catalogue - Fonts with math support
- CTAN - bbold – Sans serif blackboard bold
- CTAN - amsfonts – TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
Each challenge is a computer program of two or more threads. You take the role of the Scheduler. Your objective is to exploit flaws in the programs to make them crash or otherwise malfunction.
Cloud Study Network - Free Certifications
2024-04-03 -
BASIC Computer Games
2023-12-17 An updated version of the classic "Basic Computer Games" book, with well-written examples in a variety of common MEMORY SAFE, SCRIPTING programming languages
Subclassing in Python Redux
2023-06-11 The conflict between subclassing and composition is as old as object-oriented programming. The latest crop of languages like Go or Rust prove that you don’t need subclassing to successfully write code. But what’s a pragmatic approach to subclassing in Python, specifically?