VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. "To celebrate the end of the 2017 calendar year, the Elastic Engineering team will be publishing a series of Elastic Stack tips each day, from the 1st of December through the 25th of December[0]. As we are a distributed organisation, and with community members from all corners of the globe, you'll be seeing these threads in a variety of our native languages.

    For some examples of what to expect, here is a selection of upcoming topics:

    • How to make an Elasticsearch Ingest Plugin (in Japanese)
    • Upgrade to 6.x with reindex API and tips (in Chinese)
    • ECE: From the trenches (in English)
    • Kibana tips for new users (in English)"
  2. 1import calendar
    2import time
  3. A GitHub-like contributions calendar, but locally, with all your git commits