VirtualTam's bookmarks
139 bookmarks found
Literate DevOps
2016-03-29 """ Instead of opening up a terminal to my virtual machine, I pop into Emacs and load this sprint’s /note file/1, create a new header, and enter the shell and ruby commands in this text file.
What good is this? Unlike a traditional terminal, this allows me to log, document and execute each command.
As an old bear with very little brains, my prose can explain the background and purpose of each command. Clicking the hyperlink refreshes my memory of previous discoveries. A keychord executes the code block… """
rxvt-unicode won't Fully Maximize in KDE. / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums
2016-01-07 TL;DR - Right Click on window title bar > More Actions > Special Applications Settings > Size and Position > Obey geometry restrictions > Choose Force and leave check mark to No.
1for i in $(find /usr/lib -type f -name '*.so.*'); do 2 nm -D $i | grep MY_SYMBOL; 3 [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && echo $i; 4done
adapted from
2015-08-24 An assortment of development-related links, resources and scripts
Context: replace spaces by dashes in a script-generated HTML file's links
1awk -F\' 'm = /a href/ { gsub(/ /,'-',$2); print$1'\''$2'\''$3} !m {print $0}'
eg: display example usage for *nix commands
2015-05-02 1$ pip install eg 2$ eg <command>
4bit - Terminal Color Scheme Designer
2015-02-27 -
Python: run specific unit tests
2015-02-13 Given your unittests are in the
directory:1# run a specific test module 2python -m unittest tests.<module> 3 4# run a specific test suite 5python -m unittest tests.<module>.<class> 6 7# run a specific test 8python -m unittest tests.<module>.<class>.<test> 9 10# run tests matching a given pattern 11python -m unittest discover -s tests -p <pattern>
- software that sucks less
2014-12-17 -
My favourite Zsh features
2014-12-16 -
Transifex client - Usage memo
2014-11-12 1# setup a transifex virtualenv 2virtualenv2 VENV; source VENV/bin/activate; pip install transifex-client 3 4# global config: ~/.transifexrc 5# this step can be omitted, as 'tx init' will create the file if it doesn't exist 6[] 7username = User 8token = 9password = un54f3_p4ssw0rd! 10hostname = 11 12# setup example project 13mkdir example; cd example 14tx init 15tx set --auto-remote 16 17# get the files 18tx pull -l pt_BR 19 20# edit things 21poedit / linguist-qt4 22 23# push to transifex 24tx push -t
1# Global 2/etc/environment 3 4# X Session 5/var/lib/AccountsService/users/<username> 6~/.dmrc 7~/.xinitrc 8~/.xprofile 9 10# Session 11/etc/profile 12/etc/profile.d/*.sh 13~/.profile 14 15# Bash 16/etc/bash.bashrc 17~/.bash_profile 18~/.bashrc 19 20# ZSH 21/etc/zsh/zprofile 22~/.zshrc 23 24# Locales 25/etc/locale.conf 26/etc/locale.gen 27~/.config/locale 28 29# Superusers 30/etc/login.defs 31/etc/sudoers (use visudo to edit) 32 33# SSH 34/etc/ssh/sshd_config (server-side, can allow the client to pass variables) 35/etc/ssh/ssh_config (client-side, can send variables to servers) 36 37# SaltStack 38/etc/default/salt-minion (not always included in the distro's packages)
Les aventures d'un Geek Unixien
2014-10-19 -
About ShellCheck