VirtualTam's bookmarks
13 bookmarks found
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- abbr - manage fish abbreviations
- argparse - parse options passed to a fish script or function
- function - create a function
- string - manipulate strings
- switch - conditionally execute a block of commands
- Writing your own prompt
- fish_add_path - add to the path
- fish_git_prompt - output git information for use in a prompt
- Setting up my fish shell from scratch on macOS
- jorgebucaran/fisher - A plugin manager for Fish
- jorgebucaran/ - Auto-complete matching pairs in the Fish command line
- PatrickF1/
- kidonng/
Test feed:
- feed reader score project
- A sysadmin's rant about feed readers and crawlers
- Feeds, updates, 200s, 304s, and now 429s
- So many feed readers, so many bizarre behaviors
- The feed reader score service is now online
- RFC 1945 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.0 - If-Modified-Since
- RFC 7232 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Conditional Requests - Entity Tag (ETag)
- RFC 9110 - HTTP Semantics
- Bret Simmons - NetNewsWire and Conditional GET Issues
- John Brayton - Feed Polling for Unread Cloud
- Jeff Kaufman - Looking at RSS User-Agents
- Chris Siebenmann - The case of the very old If-Modified-Since HTTP header
- ETag and HTTP caching
- HTTP Conditional Requests Explained
- Caching - What takes precedence: the ETag or Last-Modified HTTP header?
Context: replace spaces by dashes in a script-generated HTML file's links
1awk -F\' 'm = /a href/ { gsub(/ /,'-',$2); print$1'\''$2'\''$3} !m {print $0}'
TL;DR: you won't.
This website is rather a good memo regarding each language's foundations:
- what's its general purpose?
- how to write core instructions, such as functions, loops, conditional structures?
I find this kind of reminder quite useful when it comes to documentation languages (e.g. TeX, Markdown)
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