VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. The NASA Lessons Learned system provides access to official, reviewed lessons learned from NASA programs and projects. These lessons have been made available to the public by the NASA Office of the Chief Engineer and the NASA Engineering Network. Each lesson describes the original driving event and provides recommendations that feed into NASA’s continual improvement via training, best practices, policies, and procedures.

  2. Standard library:

    • unicode - Data and functions to test some properties of Unicode code points

    Extra libraries:

    Third-party libraries:

    • anyascii/go - Converts Unicode characters to their best ASCII representation



  3. Article series:


    I’m more and more convinced that staging environments are like mocks - at best a pale imitation of the genuine article and the worst form of confirmation bias.

    It’s still better than having nothing - but “works in staging” is only one step better than “works on my machine”.