VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. "The price for securing your network is eternal vigilance and also your soul." "Whose soul? We're sysadmins." "Oh, right. End users. Hang on, I have a jar of them under my desk. Let me get one out for you."

  2. Literate DevOps 2016-03-29

    """ Instead of opening up a terminal to my virtual machine, I pop into Emacs and load this sprint’s /note file/1, create a new header, and enter the shell and ruby commands in this text file.

    What good is this? Unlike a traditional terminal, this allows me to log, document and execute each command.

    As an old bear with very little brains, my prose can explain the background and purpose of each command. Clicking the hyperlink refreshes my memory of previous discoveries. A keychord executes the code block… """

  3. mkzombie 2015-03-15

    This program creates one or more zombies and a daemon their leader. It can be used to replenish system zombies, or to feed the init monster.
