VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. Python's built-in unittest module is quite cool, but a bit limited and way too verbose (read: it's quite not easy to incite developers to write unit tests)

    I'm currently looking for more dev-friendly solutions, the key points being:

    • writing test code should be easy and straight-forward -keep the focus on "what to test" instead of "how to transcribe a process to a test"
    • parallelization! -we, spoiled developers, should make good use of our way-too-many-cores build machines...
    • complete feature set!
      • we don't want to just run tests...
      • coverage reports (find dead/weak/untested code sections)
      • output formatting (JUnit-XML seems to be quite a common format out there)

    There seem to be 3 solutions in Python:

    • stock unittest + project-dependent customizations / test helpers
    • nosetests
    • py.test

    And 2 ways of gettings things done:

    • keeping things stock: no external dependency, project-specific implementation...
    • using a test framework: one more module in your (test) virtualenv, more concise tests, more features (// run, code coverage, etc.)

    Some links:

  2. Given your unittests are in the tests directory:

     1# run a specific test module
     2python -m unittest tests.<module>
     4# run a specific test suite
     5python -m unittest tests.<module>.<class>
     7# run a specific test
     8python -m unittest tests.<module>.<class>.<test>
    10# run tests matching a given pattern
    11python -m unittest discover -s tests -p <pattern>
  3. electric-indent has been activated by default in emacs 24

    to disable it for Python: (add-hook 'python-mode-hook (lambda () (set (make-local-variable 'electric-indent-functions) (list (lambda (arg) 'no-indent)))))

  4. Very cool & detailed tutorial on how to setup Emacs for Python editing, completion & execution.

  5. Includes support for Coverage, Xunit and other cool stuff ;-) Oh, and there is parallel testing, too \o/

    nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-tests --cover-html --cover-html-dir=htmlcov --with-xunit --xunit-file=unit.xml


  6. Uses a project or repository's history to plot user contributions, displaying an elegant, colored graph of the file arborescence.

    After running it on quite different projects...

    • Python/Bash CI/Jenkins scripts
    • Qt apps: GoldenDict, Psi+
    • PHP website: Shaarli

    ...watching some vids on teh intartubez:

    It allows to arbitrary spot some interesting implementation aspects (sorted by descending impact):

    • language-dependent trees (oh hai Java packages ^^)
    • framework-dependent trees
    • project-management method (none, Agile, TDD)

    Having a graphical tool also quickly shows:

    • the overall structure of the project (a bit cooler than a simple $ tree, way quicker than loading the project on an IDE)
    • the repartition of files (by extensions)
    • who are the most active contributors
    • what are the most modified files over time
    • who does what: additions, deletions, refactoring

    Some more CI-related matters:

    • are there any tests?
    • what is the source code / test code ratio? (we could expect a project/lib with N modules to have at least N test modules)
    • who initiates / implements / optimizes test code?