VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. "Currently I am coding love and relationships into the game, and am having to deal with some colonists who are getting a bit polyamorous with the non-sentient furniture items. I am yet to decide as to whether this is a bug."

  2. It's not a bug, it's a feature! "It was working in my head"

  3. Given your unittests are in the tests directory:

     1# run a specific test module
     2python -m unittest tests.<module>
     4# run a specific test suite
     5python -m unittest tests.<module>.<class>
     7# run a specific test
     8python -m unittest tests.<module>.<class>.<test>
    10# run tests matching a given pattern
    11python -m unittest discover -s tests -p <pattern>

    Evaluating and enhancing FindBugs to detect bugs from mature software: Case study in Valuatum