VirtualTam's bookmarks
279 bookmarks found
- Strings, bytes, runes and characters in Go
- x/exp/utf8string - Index strings by rune rather than by byte
- How can I elliptically truncate text in golang?
- Why can the Go
type contain invalid UTF-8 data?
My colleague Julius
2024-12-23 I've met my fair share of Juliuses, both in college and in work. It often really made me question why I even care about what I do.
Text normalization in Go
2024-11-28 Standard library:
- unicode - Data and functions to test some properties of Unicode code points
Extra libraries:
- - Supplementary Go packages for text processing, many involving Unicode
- - Tansforms for UTF-8 encoded text
- - Reader and writer wrappers that transform the bytes passing through
- - Types and functions for normalizing Unicode strings
- - Building blocks for other packages in
Third-party libraries:
- anyascii/go - Converts Unicode characters to their best ASCII representation
- RFC 8264 - PRECIS Framework: Preparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized Strings in Application Protocols
- RFC 8265 - PRECIS for Usernames and Passwords
- RFC 8266 - PRECIS for Nicknames
Test feed:
- feed reader score project
- A sysadmin's rant about feed readers and crawlers
- Feeds, updates, 200s, 304s, and now 429s
- So many feed readers, so many bizarre behaviors
- The feed reader score service is now online
- RFC 1945 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.0 - If-Modified-Since
- RFC 7232 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Conditional Requests - Entity Tag (ETag)
- RFC 9110 - HTTP Semantics
- Bret Simmons - NetNewsWire and Conditional GET Issues
- John Brayton - Feed Polling for Unread Cloud
- Jeff Kaufman - Looking at RSS User-Agents
- Chris Siebenmann - The case of the very old If-Modified-Since HTTP header
- ETag and HTTP caching
- HTTP Conditional Requests Explained
- Caching - What takes precedence: the ETag or Last-Modified HTTP header?
- Mathematics Meta Stack Exchange - Why do people use blackboard bold here and elsewhere in print?
- LaTeX Stack Exchange - Looking for a blackboard bold (\mathbb) math font that is thicker than Latin Modern or Computer Modern
- The LaTeX Font Catalogue - Fonts with math support
- CTAN - bbold – Sans serif blackboard bold
- CTAN - amsfonts – TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
The XY Problem
2023-08-25 The XY problem is asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem. This leads to enormous amounts of wasted time and energy, both on the part of people asking for help, and on the part of those providing help.
- Postgres Full Text Search vs the rest (MeiliSearch, OpenSearch/Elasticsearch, SQlite FTS, Typesense)
- Optimizing Full Text Search with Postgres tsvector Columns and Triggers
- Word separators for Postgres full text search with Rails
- Using PostgreSQL Full Text Search With Golang
- PostgreSQL: Full Text Search
- PostgreSQL: Preferred Index Types for Text Search
jackc/pgx - PostgreSQL Driver and Toolkit
2023-07-04 - Getting started with
- jackc/pgx/v5/pgtype - Map between all common base types directly between Go and PostgreSQL
- jackc/pgx/v5/pgxpool - Concurrency-safe connection pool for
- scany/v2/pgxscan - Scan data into Go structs and other composite types
- Bulk INSERT in Postgres in GO using pgx
- Postgres table batch updates using golang pgxpool not reflected in database
- pgx.Conn can see uncommitted changes made from a pgx.Tx - TL;DR use
for concurrency-safe transactions - Not clear if caller is required to close in case of QueryRow or if QueryRow properly closes in case of error
- Getting started with