VirtualTam's bookmarks
155 bookmarks found
go-recipes - Tools for Go projects
2024-10-13 -
Sequoia-PGP - OpenPGP Implementation in Rust
2023-11-09 - Talk about OpenPGP interop testing at the IETF 110
- sequoia-pgp/sequoia - APIs for dealing with OpenPGP data
- sequoia-pgp/sequoia-sq - the Sequoia-PGP command line tool
- RpmSequoia
Functional table-driven tests in Go
2023-04-18 -
A class or other object knows too much or does too much, and is therefore difficult to test or change
Article series:
- Testing Microservices, the sane way
- Testing in Production, the safe way
- Testing in Production: the hard parts
I’m more and more convinced that staging environments are like mocks - at best a pale imitation of the genuine article and the worst form of confirmation bias.
It’s still better than having nothing - but “works in staging” is only one step better than “works on my machine”.
Melatonin - When to write tests for DSP code