VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. The format of here-documents is:

    2        here-document

    If any part of word is quoted, the delimiter is the result of quote removal on word, and the lines in the here-document are not expanded.

    This is useful to write scripts that:

    • write scripts (verbatim)
    • execute a sequence of commands (verbatim) on a remote host
  2. The XY Problem 2023-08-25

    The XY problem is asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem. This leads to enormous amounts of wasted time and energy, both on the part of people asking for help, and on the part of those providing help.

  3. Article series:


    I’m more and more convinced that staging environments are like mocks - at best a pale imitation of the genuine article and the worst form of confirmation bias.

    It’s still better than having nothing - but “works in staging” is only one step better than “works on my machine”.

    • Part 1 - History of development and test environments
    • Part 2 - Optimizing for fast local development
    • Part 3 - Extending our Envoy mesh with staging overrides
    • Part 4 - Gating Deploys with Automated Acceptance Tests
  4.  -e      Exit  immediately  if a pipeline (which may consist of a
     single simple command),  a subshell command enclosed in parentheses,
     or one of the commands executed as part of a command list enclosed by
     braces (see SHELL GRAMMAR above) exits with a non-zero  status. 
     -x      After expanding each simple command, for command, case
     command, select command, or arithmetic  for  command,  display
     the  expanded value of PS4, followed by the command and its
     expanded arguments or associated word list.