VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. AI Flame Graphs 2025-01-20

    AI developers think about their bit of code, but with AI Flame Graphs they can now see the entire stack for the first time, including the HW, and many layers they don't usually think about or don't know about. It basically looks like a pile of gibberish with their code only a small part of the flame graph.

    This reaction is similar to people's first experiences with CPU flame graphs, which show parts of the system that developers and engineers typically don't work on, such as runtime internals, system libraries, and kernel internals.

  2. Allow users of multiple operating systems to seamlessly run WebGL and other OpenGL ES content by translating OpenGL ES API calls to one of the hardware-supported APIs available for that platform

  3. OpenSSL Cookbook 2023-05-31

    The definitive guide to using the OpenSSL command line for configuration and testing.

    Topics covered in this book include:

    • key and certificate management,
    • server configuration,
    • a step by step guide to creating a private CA,
    • testing of online services.