VirtualTam's bookmarks
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- Clipart ETC - Illustrations
- Clippix - Photos and pictures
- Maps - Historic maps spanning many different time periods
- Presentations - Backgrounds, templates, letters, frames, and buttons
Here are the steps I used to migrate a CentOS 7 VM from (presumably?) an ESXi server, to a local VirtualBox environment.
The LVM volumes were not detected at boot, and after the boot timeout, the OS fell back to the Dracut emergency shell.
- get a CentOS minimal installation CD
- check the VM's resources and peripherals:
- ensure there are no floppy drives (!)
- setup CPU and RAM resources
- check virtual drives
- add an SCSI optical drive if needed
- optional: convert the virtual drive images from VMDK to VDI
- mount the CentOS installation disc
- boot on the installation disc:
- select "Troubleshooting", then "Rescue"
- let the rescue utility detect filesystems and mountpoints
$ chroot
to the detected environment- backup files:
- under /boot, backup the initrd and initramfs for the current configuration (these will be overwritten)
- compare the current
with the output of$ lsblk
and$ blkid
- if needed, manually edit /etc/fstab to use the appropriate block device UUIDs, identifiers and mountpoints
- regenerate GRUB configuration:
$ grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
- if needed, reinstall GRUB:
$ grub-install /dev/sda
- rebuild initrd:
$ mkinitrd --force /boot/<initrd_image> <kernel_version>
- rebuild initramfs:
$ dracut --force <kernel_version>
- exit the chroot
- unmount the installation disc
- reboot
- optional but highly recommended: cross your fingers
- ...
- profit!
Pro: no need to setup a DNS server to test virtualhosts Con: keep in mind that all "fake" hosts will point to!
- Use /etc/hosts to declare test hosts / domains / subdomains
#<ip-address> <> <hostname> localhost.localdomain localhost host.localdomain host ::1 localhost.localdomain localhost
- Allow per-user virtualhost definition in either (depending on your distro)
- Profit! Create virtualhosts with local hostnames :)
Python unit testing frameworks: Nose, Pytest
2015-02-13 Python's built-in unittest module is quite cool, but a bit limited and way too verbose (read: it's quite not easy to incite developers to write unit tests)
I'm currently looking for more dev-friendly solutions, the key points being:
- writing test code should be easy and straight-forward -keep the focus on "what to test" instead of "how to transcribe a process to a test"
- parallelization! -we, spoiled developers, should make good use of our way-too-many-cores build machines...
- complete feature set!
- we don't want to just run tests...
- coverage reports (find dead/weak/untested code sections)
- output formatting (JUnit-XML seems to be quite a common format out there)
There seem to be 3 solutions in Python:
- stock unittest + project-dependent customizations / test helpers
- nosetests
- py.test
And 2 ways of gettings things done:
- keeping things stock: no external dependency, project-specific implementation...
- using a test framework: one more module in your (test) virtualenv, more concise tests, more features (// run, code coverage, etc.)
Some links:
Des AILES pour les ESIALIENS !
2015-02-08 Mine d'infos concernant les statuts et (bonnes... ou pas) pratiques en SSII : contrats, embauche, démission, fin de mission, etc.
Attention, le contenu n'est pas toujours à jour (2003), et pique un peu les yeux !
ALSA: multiple USB sound cards
2015-01-12 # /etc/modprobe.d/snd_usb_audio.conf options snd_usb_audio vid=<vid1>,<vid2> pid=<pid1>,<pid2> index=<index1>,<index2> enable=1,1
# 5: M-Audio Fast Track Pro # 6: Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 options snd_usb_audio vid=0x763,0x1235 pid=0x2012,0x8012 index=5,6 enable=1,1
See also:
Starting and Accessing Jenkins
2015-01-09 To increase the memory allocated and available:
# /etc/default/jenkins JAVA_ARGS="-Xms4G -Xmx16G -Djava.awt.headless=true"
See also
- Jenkins performance hints:
- Java commandline options:
PulseAudio Modules
2015-01-08 Tweak which modules are loaded in either: /etc/pulse/ ~/.config/pulse/
1# Global 2/etc/environment 3 4# X Session 5/var/lib/AccountsService/users/<username> 6~/.dmrc 7~/.xinitrc 8~/.xprofile 9 10# Session 11/etc/profile 12/etc/profile.d/*.sh 13~/.profile 14 15# Bash 16/etc/bash.bashrc 17~/.bash_profile 18~/.bashrc 19 20# ZSH 21/etc/zsh/zprofile 22~/.zshrc 23 24# Locales 25/etc/locale.conf 26/etc/locale.gen 27~/.config/locale 28 29# Superusers 30/etc/login.defs 31/etc/sudoers (use visudo to edit) 32 33# SSH 34/etc/ssh/sshd_config (server-side, can allow the client to pass variables) 35/etc/ssh/ssh_config (client-side, can send variables to servers) 36 37# SaltStack 38/etc/default/salt-minion (not always included in the distro's packages)
Etude de glibc pour les applications bas niveau : multitâches, ordonnancement, etc.
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