VirtualTam's bookmarks
139 bookmarks found
Git - Split / shrink a repository
2014-09-05 1# first, clone the repository 2git clone REPO REPO2 3cd REPO2 4# remove all unneeded files from this version 5git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch FILES_AND_DIRS_TO_DELETE" 6git gc --aggressive --prune=1day 7git fsck --unreachable 8# refresh the remote 9git remote rm origin 10git remote add origin ssh://HOST/REPO 11# broforce push! 12git push -f origin master 13 14# cleanup our original repository 15cd REPO 16git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch OTHER_FILES_AND_DIRS_TO_DELETE" 17git gc --aggressive --prune=1day 18git fsck --unreachable 19# broforce push! 20git push -f origin master
Unix wildcards gone wild
2014-07-07 -
Mutt and iCal -
2014-06-23 -
Writing with Vim -
2014-06-23 -
IPython interactive python shell
2014-06-21 - An enhanced interactive Python shell.
- A decoupled two-process communication model, which allows for multiple clients to connect to a computation kernel, most notably the web-based notebook
- An architecture for interactive parallel computing.
grep options
2014-06-21 export GREP_OPTIONS='-nRI --color=always --exclude-dir=pycache --exclude-dir=.nodeproject --exclude-dir=CVS --exclude-dir=SVN --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg'
Gitolite SSH PATH hack
2014-06-09 in
:$ENV{PATH} = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:$ENV{PATH}"
ArchWiki | Convert FLAC to mp3
2014-05-26 -
Antigen | A plugin manager for zsh
2014-05-15 -
Terminal with zsh and a neat display of git info!
Git - Tips and Tricks
2014-05-15 Bash completion & custom aliases
Terra Terminal
2014-04-26 Drop-down, split-view terminal
Bash: test if a file needs to be downloaded
2014-04-09 1#!/bin/bash 2# Check if a file needs to be downloaded 3# Useful iff there is no checksum available to check a local file 4url= 5 6dl=1 7if [[ -f $file_path ]]; then 8 local_size=$(ls -l $file_path | awk '{print $5}') 9 remote_size=$(wget --spider $url 2>&1 | awk '/Length/ {print $2}') 10 11 if [[ $local_size -eq $remote_size ]]; then 12 echo "The file was previously downloaded" 13 dl=0 14 else 15 echo "Corrupted file found, re-downloading..." 16 rm -f $file_path 17 fi 18else 19 echo "Downloading file..." 20fi 21 22[[ $dl -eq 1 ]] && wget $url -O $file_path
Enlarge your linux shell knowledge!
wh15g33k | Luc Damas