VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. Marlon McClain - guitar Nathaniel Phillips - bass Bruce Carter - drums

  2. Context: replace spaces by dashes in a script-generated HTML file's links

    1awk -F\' 'm = /a href/ { gsub(/ /,'-',$2); print$1'\''$2'\''$3} !m {print $0}'
  3. browser.fullscreen.autohide => false

    Gimme MOAR SPACE!

  4. Hénaurme, du début jusques à la fin !

  5. Hey kiddos! Wanna learn some cool riffs?

  6. Outer Wilds is a space exploration game that invites you to embark on a cosmic expedition into a turbulent world driven by forces beyond your control. Let curiosity be your guide as you fly into the heart of a gas giant, meet fellow travelers on quantum moons, and roast marshmallows beneath alien skies.