VirtualTam's bookmarks
69 bookmarks found
2017-02-07 "OpenWorm is an open source project and open science community dedicated to creating the world's first whole organism in a computer, a C. elegans nematode, via bottom-up "systems biology" computational modeling. It is an association of highly motivated scientists, engineers, coders, and curious citizens from around the world who believe in open science and open access."
An interview with Simon Roth, the developer of space colony simulator 'Maia' | GamingOnLinux
2017-02-02 "Currently I am coding love and relationships into the game, and am having to deal with some colonists who are getting a bit polyamorous with the non-sentient furniture items. I am yet to decide as to whether this is a bug."
Scipy Lecture Notes
2016-11-13 -
7 Must Read Python Books
2016-11-04 -
Les mondes de Philip K. Dick | ARTE
2016-03-11 -
IPython - Rendering Notebooks on GitHub
2015-05-09 Wow, Github now has builtin support for IPython Notebooks \o/
Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?
2015-01-08 This little gem made my day ;-)
Cat's Schrödinger | The Oatmeal
2014-11-23 I CAN HAS MAH HUMAN?