VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. OpenWorm 2017-02-07

    "OpenWorm is an open source project and open science community dedicated to creating the world's first whole organism in a computer, a C. elegans nematode, via bottom-up "systems biology" computational modeling. It is an association of highly motivated scientists, engineers, coders, and curious citizens from around the world who believe in open science and open access."

  2.  1for (agent in hudson.model.Hudson.instance.slaves) {
     2  println('====================');
     3  println('Name: ' +;
     4  println('getLabelString: ' + agent.getLabelString());
     5  println('getNumExectutors: ' + agent.getNumExecutors());
     6  println('getRemoteFS: ' + agent.getRemoteFS());
     7  println('getMode: ' + agent.getMode());
     8  println('getRootPath: ' + agent.getRootPath());
     9  println('getDescriptor: ' + agent.getDescriptor());
    10  println('getComputer: ' + agent.getComputer());
    11  println('\tcomputer.isAcceptingTasks: ' + agent.getComputer().isAcceptingTasks());
    12  println('\tcomputer.isLaunchSupported: ' + agent.getComputer().isLaunchSupported());
    13  println('\tcomputer.getConnectTime: ' + agent.getComputer().getConnectTime());
    14  println('\tcomputer.getDemandStartMilliseconds: ' + agent.getComputer().getDemandStartMilliseconds());
    15  println('\tcomputer.isOffline: ' + agent.getComputer().isOffline());
    16  println('\tcomputer.countBusy: ' + agent.getComputer().countBusy());
    17  //if ( == 'NAME OF NODE TO DELETE') {
    18  //  println('Shutting down node!!!!');
    19  //  agent.getComputer().setTemporarilyOffline(true,null);
    20  //  agent.getComputer().doDoDelete();
    21  //}
    22  println('\tcomputer.getLog: ' + agent.getComputer().getLog());
    23  println('\tcomputer.getBuilds: ' + agent.getComputer().getBuilds());
  3. "This project was started in 2008. The goal was to learn something about programming, electronics and control loops. Because I always need a cool project to learn new things, it was clear that something that can fly had to be built."

  4. "Human collective behavior can vary from calm to panicked depending on social context. Using videos publicly available online, we study the highly energized collective motion of attendees at heavy metal concerts. We find these extreme social gatherings generate similarly extreme behaviors: a disordered gas-like state called a mosh pit and an ordered vortex-like state called a circle pit. Both phenomena are reproduced in flocking simulations demonstrating that human collective behavior is consistent with the predictions of simplified models."

  5. He's watching you!

    • An enhanced interactive Python shell.
    • A decoupled two-process communication model, which allows for multiple clients to connect to a computation kernel, most notably the web-based notebook
    • An architecture for interactive parallel computing.
