VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. With so many interacting components, the number of things that can go wrong in a distributed system is enormous. You’ll never be able to prevent all possible failure modes, but you can identify many of the weaknesses in your system before they’re triggered by these events. This report introduces you to Chaos Engineering, a method of experimenting on infrastructure that lets you expose weaknesses before they become a real problem.

  2. We Meet In Toulouse 2015-04-04

    Dev events in Toulouse ;-)

  3. Framadate 2014-11-29

    Studs => OpenSondage => Framadate

    A doodle-like event scheduler.

    Though it seemed a bit crippled when I attempted to fork it early '14, it looks like it has gained in maturity, thanks to Framasoft's efforts ;-)