VirtualTam's bookmarks
55 bookmarks found
HTTPie – CLI HTTP client
2017-02-13 -
Postfix / Dovecot / ClamAV / Spamassassin
2016-12-12 A whole buncha' links with contradictory information on how to properly set up a mail server ;-)
Disclaimer - My primary goal is to add proper Spamassassin (SA) filtering to an existing Postfix / Dovecot / roundcube installation, i.e.:
- use SA as a milter (mail filter) to attribute a spam score to incoming mail
- keep SA up-to-date
- train SA with spam/ham from the users' virtual mailboxes
- train SA according to user decisions (actual user or trained mail client with automatic/trained spam detection)
Here we go!
Most useful links; I stumbled upon them as soon as I knew what to look for:
- (wheezy)
- - a bit outdated but plenty of useful information regarding how components interact with each other
IonicaBizau/cli-github · GitHub
2015-09-09 A fancy GitHub client for command line.
Web Agency Fail | twitter
2015-07-17 O_o
[client] — Sur IE6, j’ai un message d’erreur qui me dit que le navigateur est obsolète. Par contre sur Firefox je n’ai pas ça, pourquoi ?
[client] — Dans le CMS, pouvez-vous me dire comment changer la galerie “tatata mes couilles” en “centre aéré 2011” s’il vous plaît ?
[CP vs client] — Avez-vous vidé le cache ? — Oui oui, ne vous en faites pas, on a viré tout l’argent sur votre compte.
[CP vs dev] — Vous utilisez quoi vous pour faire les screenshots ? — Un stagiaire.
[CP tech] — Mais non les dev n’ont pas fait de la merde, c’est juste qu’ils ont modifié tes fichiers et que depuis la page est toute cassée.
2015-04-24 Twisted implements a variety of networking and communication protocols and exposes them all as method-calls on your Python objects. Client and server implementations are provided for various standard protocols, including:
- HTTP (twisted.web)
- IMAP, POP, SMTP (twisted.mail)
- DNS (twisted.names)
- TLS (core)
- SSH, Telnet (twisted.conch)
- IRC, XMPP, OSCAR (twisted.words)
- Ethernet, IP, TUN/TAP (twisted.pair)
- NMEA (twisted.positioning)
Sponge - Empowering moisture
2014-12-14 -
Transifex client - Usage memo
2014-11-12 1# setup a transifex virtualenv 2virtualenv2 VENV; source VENV/bin/activate; pip install transifex-client 3 4# global config: ~/.transifexrc 5# this step can be omitted, as 'tx init' will create the file if it doesn't exist 6[] 7username = User 8token = 9password = un54f3_p4ssw0rd! 10hostname = 11 12# setup example project 13mkdir example; cd example 14tx init 15tx set --auto-remote 16 17# get the files 18tx pull -l pt_BR 19 20# edit things 21poedit / linguist-qt4 22 23# push to transifex 24tx push -t
1# Global 2/etc/environment 3 4# X Session 5/var/lib/AccountsService/users/<username> 6~/.dmrc 7~/.xinitrc 8~/.xprofile 9 10# Session 11/etc/profile 12/etc/profile.d/*.sh 13~/.profile 14 15# Bash 16/etc/bash.bashrc 17~/.bash_profile 18~/.bashrc 19 20# ZSH 21/etc/zsh/zprofile 22~/.zshrc 23 24# Locales 25/etc/locale.conf 26/etc/locale.gen 27~/.config/locale 28 29# Superusers 30/etc/login.defs 31/etc/sudoers (use visudo to edit) 32 33# SSH 34/etc/ssh/sshd_config (server-side, can allow the client to pass variables) 35/etc/ssh/ssh_config (client-side, can send variables to servers) 36 37# SaltStack 38/etc/default/salt-minion (not always included in the distro's packages)
KiTTY - News
2014-11-10 A somewhat active PuTTY fork
SuperPuTTY - Tabbed PuTTY/KiTTY interface
2014-11-09 Works nice along with KiTTY ;-)
[1.6.x][Forge] WildCaves 3 (v0.4.3.3)
2014-08-17 Stalactites, stalagmites, icicles and more cave stuff!
IPython interactive python shell
2014-06-21 - An enhanced interactive Python shell.
- A decoupled two-process communication model, which allows for multiple clients to connect to a computation kernel, most notably the web-based notebook
- An architecture for interactive parallel computing.