VirtualTam's bookmarks
499 bookmarks found
FIPS 180-1 - Secure Hash Standard
2013-08-18 -
Lisp Downloads -=- Eric Marsden
2013-08-18 Cool Lisp modes, featuring coffee.el (HTCPCP) and some server (httpd, postgres) utils
Not the Bootsrap you're looking for
Dream The Game
2013-08-14 You take on the role of Howard Phillips, a young graduate with no direction in life who develops an obsession with his dreams. Discover dreams and nightmares filled with puzzles and secrets to help Howard find the meaning to his life.
Survey of Music Technology - Coursera
2013-08-13 Online course at Coursera - Digital Music: DAW (Reaper), sound synthesis w/ Python
Presentation video:
Minigal Nano
2013-08-12 Lightweight PHP/JavaScript gallery!
Enlarge your linux shell knowledge!
Mc Donald's theory
2013-07-31 Boost your creativity!
Avis à tous les glandus qui se prennent pour des webdevs et empêchent de visualiser des pages, images et autres ressources en les planquant derrière du JavaScript moisi ou du CSS (coucou leboncoin ! coucou viadeo !)
A voir aussi :
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CSS 3D Clouds
2013-07-18 Another clicktorelease release!
Blog - Blog - Clicktorelease
2013-07-18 Neat dev-blog template See the footer for resource links!
Code School - Rails for Zombies
2013-07-09 -
Git Pocket Guide
2013-07-08 -
2013-05-15 -