VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. 79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupts. In Herculaneum, twenty meters of hot mud and ash bury an enormous villa once owned by the father-in-law of Julius Caesar. Inside, there is a vast library of papyrus scrolls. The scrolls are carbonized by the heat of the volcanic debris. But they are also preserved. For centuries, as virtually every ancient text exposed to the air decays and disappears, the library of the Villa of the Papyri waits underground, intact.

  2. Can a person have 20 years of experience or five years, repeated four times?

  3. > One of the references on Wikipedia’s Elevator Paradox page is a paper written by Donald E. Knuth dated many years prior to his simulator. A side-effect of that research experience may have been a lasting interest in the intricate details of elevator systems.

  4. "To celebrate the end of the 2017 calendar year, the Elastic Engineering team will be publishing a series of Elastic Stack tips each day, from the 1st of December through the 25th of December[0]. As we are a distributed organisation, and with community members from all corners of the globe, you'll be seeing these threads in a variety of our native languages.

    For some examples of what to expect, here is a selection of upcoming topics:

    • How to make an Elasticsearch Ingest Plugin (in Japanese)
    • Upgrade to 6.x with reindex API and tips (in Chinese)
    • ECE: From the trenches (in English)
    • Kibana tips for new users (in English)"