VirtualTam's bookmarks
240 bookmarks found
- Mathematics Meta Stack Exchange - Why do people use blackboard bold here and elsewhere in print?
- LaTeX Stack Exchange - Looking for a blackboard bold (\mathbb) math font that is thicker than Latin Modern or Computer Modern
- The LaTeX Font Catalogue - Fonts with math support
- CTAN - bbold – Sans serif blackboard bold
- CTAN - amsfonts – TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupts. In Herculaneum, twenty meters of hot mud and ash bury an enormous villa once owned by the father-in-law of Julius Caesar. Inside, there is a vast library of papyrus scrolls. The scrolls are carbonized by the heat of the volcanic debris. But they are also preserved. For centuries, as virtually every ancient text exposed to the air decays and disappears, the library of the Villa of the Papyri waits underground, intact.
- Vesuvius Challenge 2023
- educelab/volume-cartographer - Volumetric processing toolkit and C++ libraries for the recovery and restoration of damaged cultural materials
- KhartesViewer/khartes - Explore, and then segment, the data volumes created by high-resolution X-ray tomography of the Herculaneum scrolls
- The Getty Villa
- Herculaneum Papyri
- Students Decipher 2,000-Year-Old Herculaneum Scrolls
pdfcpu - A PDF processor written in Go
2023-11-18 -
1# GNU sed 2sed -e 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' 3 4# macOS 5sed -e $'s/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g'
- Postgres Full Text Search vs the rest (MeiliSearch, OpenSearch/Elasticsearch, SQlite FTS, Typesense)
- Optimizing Full Text Search with Postgres tsvector Columns and Triggers
- Word separators for Postgres full text search with Rails
- Using PostgreSQL Full Text Search With Golang
- PostgreSQL: Full Text Search
- PostgreSQL: Preferred Index Types for Text Search
- Obsidian TTRPG
- Zsolt's Visual Personal Knowledge Management
- awk:
- grep:
- sed:
- tr: