VirtualTam's bookmarks
936 bookmarks found
- netman69/inficam - Android app and C++ bindings for InfiRay cameras
- stawel/ht301_hacklib - ht-301 thermal camera opencv lib
- What is the occasional clicking sound made by the Tau2 camera? What is FFC?
- diminDDL/IR-Py-Thermal - Python Thermal Camera Library
- Lock-in IR-Thermography - a novel tool for material and device characterization (PDF)
hanslub42/rlwrap - a readline wrapper
2024-07-09 -
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Audio Gadget
2024-05-21 -
Arch Linux RFCs
2024-05-15 -
- package dependency tree viewer1$ pactree python-tox | rg 'python-' 2 3python-tox 4├─python-cachetools 5├─python-chardet 6├─python-colorama 7├─python-filelock 8├─python-packaging 9├─python-platformdirs 10├─python-pluggy 11├─python-pyproject-api 12│ └─python-packaging 13└─python-virtualenv 14 ├─python-distlib 15 ├─python-filelock 16 └─python-platformdirs
- - JIT Wireguard
2024-03-31 What if, instead of pushing [user] configs to gateways, we had the gateways pull them from our API on demand?