VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. 79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupts. In Herculaneum, twenty meters of hot mud and ash bury an enormous villa once owned by the father-in-law of Julius Caesar. Inside, there is a vast library of papyrus scrolls. The scrolls are carbonized by the heat of the volcanic debris. But they are also preserved. For centuries, as virtually every ancient text exposed to the air decays and disappears, the library of the Villa of the Papyri waits underground, intact.

  2. Tiens, on dirait qu'il a malencontreusement perdu son ticket !

  3. Deep Exposures 2013-07-30

    Since 1995, award-winning photographer and filmmaker Stephen Alvarez has exposed some of the world’s least explored places for National Geographic, from an ancient Incan tomb in Peru, to the world’s deepest cave, near the Black Sea. Here, the intrepid photographer pushes more than a mile underground to shoot the “Rumble Room” in Tennessee, the largest cave room in the Eastern United States.
