VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. This guide favors authenticity over accuracy, and it aims to entertain before it informs. It is only as accurate as it feels it needs to be. It is constantly changing and it is infinitely mutable, so the map, the music, and my self-righteous opinions are all subject to change as I discover, investigate, and incorporate new knowledge and more music. Nothing is definitive.

    Go exploring. Listen and learn about music you don't know anything about.

  2. "Cache is king. And if your cache is cut, you're going to feel it."

    "Some providers now have something called Metal-as-a-Service, which I really think ought to mean that an '80s metal band shows up at your office, plays a gig, smashes the furniture, and urinates on the carpet."

  3. While waiting for it to be released in Europe, feel free to listen to the latest Karnivool album online!