VirtualTam's bookmarks
8 bookmarks found
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- Converting UTZOO-Wiseman Usenet Tapes to Website with PostgreSQL backend using Python 3.8
- 2.1 Million of the Oldest Internet Posts Are Now Online for Anyone to Read
- DataHoarders, now includes UTZOO-Wiseman tapes of the earliest internet posts made between Feb 1981 and June 1991
- The UTZOO Wiseman Usenet Archive (data removed following legal action)
- Self-hosted online collaborative drawing platform Excalidraw (alternate version on Medium)
- alswl/excalidraw-collaboration - Excalidraw with collaboration feature, self-hosting, and only one-click deploy
- alswl/excalidraw-storage-backend - Storage for scenes, images and collaboration rooms
- alswl/ - Custom static version featuring a Chinese font with handwriting style
- Someone0nEarth/excalidraw-self-hosted - A docker-compose configuration for a fully self-hosted excalidraw stack, a collaborative whiteboard solution
- r/selfhosted - Excalidraw
- PatWie/excalidraw-complete - Self-host Excalidraw with a single Go binary - Supports multiple storage options and real-time collaboration
- Self-hosted online collaborative drawing platform Excalidraw (alternate version on Medium)
Træfik options:
Relevant backend labels:
Gateway timeout and overlay network setup:
Zathura | A document viewer
2016-04-02 Lightweight document viewer with pluggable backends (PDF, ePub, TeX), controllable from the keyboard
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