VirtualTam's bookmarks
131 bookmarks found
Excellent overview of Docker components: images, repositories, index
Index of PHP Standard Recommendations
2015-03-12 - PSR-1 Basic Coding Standard -
- PSR-2 Coding Style Guide -
Linux Control Groups
2015-02-14 -
ALSA: multiple USB sound cards
2015-01-12 # /etc/modprobe.d/snd_usb_audio.conf options snd_usb_audio vid=<vid1>,<vid2> pid=<pid1>,<pid2> index=<index1>,<index2> enable=1,1
# 5: M-Audio Fast Track Pro # 6: Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 options snd_usb_audio vid=0x763,0x1235 pid=0x2012,0x8012 index=5,6 enable=1,1
See also:
Git - Split / shrink a repository
2014-09-05 1# first, clone the repository 2git clone REPO REPO2 3cd REPO2 4# remove all unneeded files from this version 5git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch FILES_AND_DIRS_TO_DELETE" 6git gc --aggressive --prune=1day 7git fsck --unreachable 8# refresh the remote 9git remote rm origin 10git remote add origin ssh://HOST/REPO 11# broforce push! 12git push -f origin master 13 14# cleanup our original repository 15cd REPO 16git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch OTHER_FILES_AND_DIRS_TO_DELETE" 17git gc --aggressive --prune=1day 18git fsck --unreachable 19# broforce push! 20git push -f origin master
Mathcore Index:The Blog
2013-09-26 -
HTM5 interactive player that can be embedded in any web application to provide fancy waveforms, various analyzer results, synced time metadata display during playback (time-marking) and remote indexing.
Avis à tous les glandus qui se prennent pour des webdevs et empêchent de visualiser des pages, images et autres ressources en les planquant derrière du JavaScript moisi ou du CSS (coucou leboncoin ! coucou viadeo !)
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