VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. "The gig I have as the drummer in King Crimson is one of the few gigs in rock 'n' roll where it's even remotely possible to play anything in 17/16 and stay in a decent hotel"

  2. A very elegant, smooth and refined progressive issue, with djent-ish and Satch-ish influences

  3. Combinaison de morceaux choisis d'un discours bien léché, à la gestuelle animée, et d'une bande son riche en émotions. Il est à la fois intéressant et cocasse de voir à quel point la musique et la gestuelle influent sur la perception du message...

    [EN] Combination of selected pieces of a well-rehearsed political speech/interview, featuring wide gestures, and emotion-rich music. It's both interesting and surprising to see how the background music genre, coupled to the spokesperson's gestures, can alter or reinforce the essence of the speech...