VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. git worktree 2015-08-21

    "check out more than one branch at a time"

    Useful if you're simultaneously working on several versions / branches of the same repository ;-)

  2. A hands-on introduction to Git and GitHub, and how to make them work together! More Git resources for beginners here:

  3. It's not a bug, it's a feature! "It was working in my head"

  4. 18i8 ALSA driver:

    Scarlett Mixer GUIs:

    ALSA mixer:

    Combo patch:

    ALSA/Linux support (kernel mainline):

    ALSA/Linux support (experimental):

    PulseAudio issues:

    Jack latency tuning:

  5. 1er commandement: "Du contrôle de version, tu te soucieras"

    2ème commandement: "avec Git, tu te formeras, sinon sous SVN tu resteras"

    3ème commandement: "Le merge, tu éviteras tant que faire se peut"

    4ème commandement: "De versionner n'importe quoi, tu t'abstiendras"

    5ème commandement: "Un commit réécrit, tu ne pusheras point"

    6ème commandement: "Avant de tester, tu ne pusheras point"

    7ème commandement: "le 6eme commandement tu appliqueras, ou ton chef te châtiera"

    8ème commandement: "Tu ne tricheras point"

    9ème commandement: ""Des tags tu abuseras"

    10ème commandement: "Ton Dieu Jenkins tu honoreras et ton salut tu trouveras"

  6. Cryptography II 2013-08-21

    Learn about the inner workings of cryptographic primitives and protocols and how to apply this knowledge in real-world applications.

  7. Cryptography I 2013-08-21

    Learn about the inner workings of cryptographic primitives and how to apply this knowledge in real-world applications!