VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. Vera++ is a programmable tool for verification, analysis and transformation of C++ source code.

  2. anarchestra 2015-09-14

    Anarchestra is an orchestra of over two hundred unique musical instruments built (with a few exceptions) by Alex Ferris (1954-) an American musician, composer, and theorist, to explore alternative timbres, tunings, and methods of playing.

  3. Pro: no need to setup a DNS server to test virtualhosts Con: keep in mind that all "fake" hosts will point to!

    1. Use /etc/hosts to declare test hosts / domains / subdomains
    #<ip-address>	<>	<hostname>	localhost.localdomain	localhost	host.localdomain	host
    ::1		localhost.localdomain	localhost
    1. Allow per-user virtualhost definition in either (depending on your distro)
    • /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
    • /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

    Include /home/albert/.httpd/*.conf

    1. Profit! Create virtualhosts with local hostnames :)
  4. Home / Steelplant 2014-06-14

    Miniature dumpsters for your plants!

  5. UK - Don't invite someone to your home: "Unless you know them very very well."

  6. Remember R U I N?

  7. Go home kitty, you're drunk!