VirtualTam's bookmarks
51 bookmarks found
They are real - Imgur
2014-12-11 -
Git 2.0 - Les 10 commandements
2014-06-03 1er commandement: "Du contrôle de version, tu te soucieras"
2ème commandement: "avec Git, tu te formeras, sinon sous SVN tu resteras"
3ème commandement: "Le merge, tu éviteras tant que faire se peut"
4ème commandement: "De versionner n'importe quoi, tu t'abstiendras"
5ème commandement: "Un commit réécrit, tu ne pusheras point"
6ème commandement: "Avant de tester, tu ne pusheras point"
7ème commandement: "le 6eme commandement tu appliqueras, ou ton chef te châtiera"
8ème commandement: "Tu ne tricheras point"
9ème commandement: ""Des tags tu abuseras"
10ème commandement: "Ton Dieu Jenkins tu honoreras et ton salut tu trouveras"
Strings | Real Groovy - Documentation
2014-05-15 -
Cryptography II
2013-08-21 Learn about the inner workings of cryptographic primitives and protocols and how to apply this knowledge in real-world applications.
Cryptography I
2013-08-21 Learn about the inner workings of cryptographic primitives and how to apply this knowledge in real-world applications!
A complete introduction to programming for digital musicians and artists, in the real-time multimedia language ChucK. Rich with practical examples and pointers to additional web resources, it can be understood by novices wishing to learn to program interactive arts systems.
The ultimate howto for compiling a rt-patched linux kernel and activate thread IRQs! Also, a must-read for M-Audio Fast Track Pro owners