VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. "Two clichés make us laugh. A hundred cliches move us. For we sense dimly that the clichés are talking among themselves, and celebrating a reunion."

    "Electric Wizard are the product of a hundred cliches. Everything about them is a trope, but despite that, they are stupidly heavy and even though they often sink into kitsch to the detriment of their songwriting, they're sort of a unique band in that they're the best at amplifier massage."

  2. 1er commandement: "Du contrôle de version, tu te soucieras"

    2ème commandement: "avec Git, tu te formeras, sinon sous SVN tu resteras"

    3ème commandement: "Le merge, tu éviteras tant que faire se peut"

    4ème commandement: "De versionner n'importe quoi, tu t'abstiendras"

    5ème commandement: "Un commit réécrit, tu ne pusheras point"

    6ème commandement: "Avant de tester, tu ne pusheras point"

    7ème commandement: "le 6eme commandement tu appliqueras, ou ton chef te châtiera"

    8ème commandement: "Tu ne tricheras point"

    9ème commandement: ""Des tags tu abuseras"

    10ème commandement: "Ton Dieu Jenkins tu honoreras et ton salut tu trouveras"

  3. Because year-end lists are hip, here's 10 albums I loved from this year with tiny blurbs why, in no particular order: Intronaut - Habitual Levitations - Heavy, but thoughtful and risk-taking, truly original music Frightened Rabbit - Pedestrian Verse - Incredible songwriting and arranging. Moderat - II - Production and grooves! Revocation - Revocation - Thrashy yet refined and technical Fat Freddy's Drop - Blackbird - Deeply funky grooves in the reggae/r&b vibe Cloudkicker - Subsume - Gorgeous layering of guitars upon guitars anchored by some killer math-y grooves. Dawn of Midi - Dysnomia - Deconstructed jazz trio music turns into mesmerizing overlapping loops. The Dillinger Escape Plan - One Of Us Is The Killer - Exactly what you'd expect from DEP, which is not knowing what to expect. Equally spazzy and melodic. Jaga Jazzist - Official Page - Live w/Britten Sinfonia - Re-arrangements of 10-piece neo-jazz compositions to allow room for a full orchestra, it sounds big! Shining - One One One - A refinement of their metal/jazz sound into incredibly powerful 4 minute songs.