VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. Given your unittests are in the tests directory:

     1# run a specific test module
     2python -m unittest tests.<module>
     4# run a specific test suite
     5python -m unittest tests.<module>.<class>
     7# run a specific test
     8python -m unittest tests.<module>.<class>.<test>
    10# run tests matching a given pattern
    11python -m unittest discover -s tests -p <pattern>
  2. electric-indent has been activated by default in emacs 24

    to disable it for Python: (add-hook 'python-mode-hook (lambda () (set (make-local-variable 'electric-indent-functions) (list (lambda (arg) 'no-indent)))))

  3. TL;DR: you won't.

    This website is rather a good memo regarding each language's foundations:

    • what's its general purpose?
    • how to write core instructions, such as functions, loops, conditional structures?

    I find this kind of reminder quite useful when it comes to documentation languages (e.g. TeX, Markdown)