VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. OpenWorm 2017-02-07

    "OpenWorm is an open source project and open science community dedicated to creating the world's first whole organism in a computer, a C. elegans nematode, via bottom-up "systems biology" computational modeling. It is an association of highly motivated scientists, engineers, coders, and curious citizens from around the world who believe in open science and open access."

  2. A whole buncha' links with contradictory information on how to properly set up a mail server ;-)

    Disclaimer - My primary goal is to add proper Spamassassin (SA) filtering to an existing Postfix / Dovecot / roundcube installation, i.e.:

    • use SA as a milter (mail filter) to attribute a spam score to incoming mail
    • keep SA up-to-date
    • train SA with spam/ham from the users' virtual mailboxes
    • train SA according to user decisions (actual user or trained mail client with automatic/trained spam detection)

    Here we go!

    Most useful links; I stumbled upon them as soon as I knew what to look for:





  3. To increase the memory allocated and available:

    1# /etc/default/jenkins
    2JAVA_ARGS='Xms4G -Xmx16G -Djava.awt.headless=true'

    See also