VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. +++: backlit keyboard, battery ++: HDPI matte screen, touchpad+trackpad -: BIOS messages in approximative English --: no ethernet port ---: cooling / fan noise

    ETH available through:

    • 10$ generic USB-C adapter
    • 25$ Lenovo USB-C adapter
    • 150$ Lenovo USB-C dock
    • 180$ Lenovo docking station

    Cooling / fan control:

    • triggered when the CPU reaches approx. 46° / 20% load
    • slowest speed: 3400 RPM (!), goes up to 4000+ RPM


    • try updating BIOS/UEFI
    • use a laptop cooling pad
    • killall -9 firefox # not really an option tho

    User-contributed feedback:

  2. Audacity themes 2016-08-30

    To enable theming, append the following section to ~/.audacity-data/audacity.cfg

    [Theme] LoadAtStart=1

    This will load any theme resource located under ~/.audacity-data/Theme/ImageCache.png

    Some themes:

  3. Literate DevOps 2016-03-29

    """ Instead of opening up a terminal to my virtual machine, I pop into Emacs and load this sprint’s /note file/1, create a new header, and enter the shell and ruby commands in this text file.

    What good is this? Unlike a traditional terminal, this allows me to log, document and execute each command.

    As an old bear with very little brains, my prose can explain the background and purpose of each command. Clicking the hyperlink refreshes my memory of previous discoveries. A keychord executes the code block… """

  4. PulseAudio Modules 2015-01-08

    Tweak which modules are loaded in either: /etc/pulse/ ~/.config/pulse/

  5. Uses a project or repository's history to plot user contributions, displaying an elegant, colored graph of the file arborescence.

    After running it on quite different projects...

    • Python/Bash CI/Jenkins scripts
    • Qt apps: GoldenDict, Psi+
    • PHP website: Shaarli

    ...watching some vids on teh intartubez:

    It allows to arbitrary spot some interesting implementation aspects (sorted by descending impact):

    • language-dependent trees (oh hai Java packages ^^)
    • framework-dependent trees
    • project-management method (none, Agile, TDD)

    Having a graphical tool also quickly shows:

    • the overall structure of the project (a bit cooler than a simple $ tree, way quicker than loading the project on an IDE)
    • the repartition of files (by extensions)
    • who are the most active contributors
    • what are the most modified files over time
    • who does what: additions, deletions, refactoring

    Some more CI-related matters:

    • are there any tests?
    • what is the source code / test code ratio? (we could expect a project/lib with N modules to have at least N test modules)
    • who initiates / implements / optimizes test code?