VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. Pair programming 2018-02-23




  2. With so many interacting components, the number of things that can go wrong in a distributed system is enormous. You’ll never be able to prevent all possible failure modes, but you can identify many of the weaknesses in your system before they’re triggered by these events. This report introduces you to Chaos Engineering, a method of experimenting on infrastructure that lets you expose weaknesses before they become a real problem.

  3. +++: backlit keyboard, battery ++: HDPI matte screen, touchpad+trackpad -: BIOS messages in approximative English --: no ethernet port ---: cooling / fan noise

    ETH available through:

    • 10$ generic USB-C adapter
    • 25$ Lenovo USB-C adapter
    • 150$ Lenovo USB-C dock
    • 180$ Lenovo docking station

    Cooling / fan control:

    • triggered when the CPU reaches approx. 46° / 20% load
    • slowest speed: 3400 RPM (!), goes up to 4000+ RPM


    • try updating BIOS/UEFI
    • use a laptop cooling pad
    • killall -9 firefox # not really an option tho

    User-contributed feedback:

    1. Understand user needs
    2. Do ongoing user research
    3. Have a multidisciplinary team
    4. Use agile methods
    5. Iterate and improve frequently
    6. Evaluate tools and systems
    7. Understand security and privacy issues
    8. Make all new source code open
    9. Use open standards and common platforms
    10. Test the end-to-end service
    11. Make a plan for being offline
    12. Make sure users succeed first time
    13. Make the user experience consistent with GOV.UK
    14. Encourage everyone to use the digital service
    15. Collect performance data
    16. Identify performance indicators
    17. Report performance data on the Performance Platform
    18. Test with the minister
  4. What not to do with data!

  5. ROME 2013-07-24

    Dafuq happened to my browser? Now it's all psychedelic!

    A interactive visual experiment by Chris Milk & Oddball