VirtualTam's bookmarks
279 bookmarks found
arch-wiki-lite: Now with more UI
2016-05-23 -
Literate DevOps
2016-03-29 """ Instead of opening up a terminal to my virtual machine, I pop into Emacs and load this sprint’s /note file/1, create a new header, and enter the shell and ruby commands in this text file.
What good is this? Unlike a traditional terminal, this allows me to log, document and execute each command.
As an old bear with very little brains, my prose can explain the background and purpose of each command. Clicking the hyperlink refreshes my memory of previous discoveries. A keychord executes the code block… """
jonas/tig: Text-mode interface for git
2016-03-14 Git repository browser providing several colourful views:
- file tree w/ revisions
- different kinds of log
- blame - when highlighting a line, displays the corresponding diff in a side pane
A tmux Crash Course
2016-02-15 -
hgrc - Mercurial configuration
2016-01-14 -
IonicaBizau/cli-github · GitHub
2015-09-09 A fancy GitHub client for command line.
Plenty of ideas to optimize / smooth your development flow in Tuxland ;-)
eg: display example usage for *nix commands
2015-05-02 1$ pip install eg 2$ eg <command>
VIM Editor Commands
2014-12-11 -
The ten project management commandments
2014-12-04 -
Mutt and iCal -
2014-06-23 -
Git 2.0 - Les 10 commandements
2014-06-03 1er commandement: "Du contrôle de version, tu te soucieras"
2ème commandement: "avec Git, tu te formeras, sinon sous SVN tu resteras"
3ème commandement: "Le merge, tu éviteras tant que faire se peut"
4ème commandement: "De versionner n'importe quoi, tu t'abstiendras"
5ème commandement: "Un commit réécrit, tu ne pusheras point"
6ème commandement: "Avant de tester, tu ne pusheras point"
7ème commandement: "le 6eme commandement tu appliqueras, ou ton chef te châtiera"
8ème commandement: "Tu ne tricheras point"
9ème commandement: ""Des tags tu abuseras"
10ème commandement: "Ton Dieu Jenkins tu honoreras et ton salut tu trouveras"
Neal Stephenson - C R Y P T O N O M I C O N
2013-08-26 In the Beginning... was the Command Line
Full essay:
Enlarge your linux shell knowledge!