VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1.  1# setup a transifex virtualenv
     2virtualenv2 VENV; source VENV/bin/activate; pip install transifex-client
     4# global config: ~/.transifexrc
     5# this step can be omitted, as 'tx init' will create the file if it doesn't exist
     7username = User
     8token =
     9password = un54f3_p4ssw0rd!
    10hostname =
    12# setup example project
    13mkdir example; cd example
    14tx init
    15tx set --auto-remote
    17# get the files
    18tx pull -l pt_BR
    20# edit things
    21poedit / linguist-qt4
    23# push to transifex
    24tx push -t
  2. Minetest Essentials 2014-09-18



    [Mods:Trivia] (this is going to be an incremental section, I guess)









  3. Change install dir:

    • get the EarSketch installer,
    • launch it, install Reaper and EarSketch to the default location => C:\Program Files{EarSketch, REAPER (x64)},
    • install the other softs (Python 2.7 and its extensions, Kommodo) where they belong,
    • move the REAPER (x64) folder to a new location,
    • edit the registry value [HKEY\LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\REAPER] to reflect this new location,
    • edit the Actions menu file to reflect the new Plugins folder locations [%appdata%\REAPER\reaper-kb.ini],
    • (restart Reaper),
    • clean the cache.
  4. Etude de glibc pour les applications bas niveau : multitâches, ordonnancement, etc.