VirtualTam's bookmarks
1937 bookmarks found
Zoekt - Fast trigram based code search
2025-02-19 - FAQ
- Zoekt Query Language Guide
- isker/neogrok - A frontend for Zoekt
- Query Language Guide by Neogrok
ESPARGOS - ESP32-based WiFi sensing array
2025-02-17 - Dataset: Four phase- and time-synchronous ESPARGOS antenna arrays in a lab room
- ESPARGOS/pyespargos - Python library for working with the ESPARGOS WiFi channel sounder
- This ESP32 Antenna Array Can See WiFi
- Source Code for Paper "Augmenting Channel Charting with Classical Wireless Source Localization Techniques"
- Phased Arrays - Steering and the Antenna Pattern | An Animated Intro to Phased Arrays
AFL++ - American Fuzzy Lop Fuzzing Framework
2025-02-15 - AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
- AFLplusplus/LibAFL - A collection of reusable pieces of fuzzers
- rc0r/afl-utils - Utilities for automated crash sample processing/analysis, job management and corpus optimization
- 0xricksanchez/AFL_Runner - Scaling best-practice AFLPlusPlus fuzzing campaigns made easy
- AFL++ Papers
- Sister Projects
- The LibAFL Book
- Fuzzing projects with american fuzzy lop (AFL)
- afl - american fuzzy lop
Hockeypuck - An OpenPGP public keyserver
2025-02-06 -
- fubark/zig-v8 - Simple V8 builds with C and Zig bindings
- lightpanda-io/zig-v8-fork
- lightpanda-io/zig-js-runtime
- Volcamp 2024 - Créer un browser from scratch, c'est possible ?
Zork: The Great Inner Workings
2025-01-21 It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.