VirtualTam's bookmarks
125 bookmarks found
OpenSSL Command-Line HOWTO
2016-10-18 -
2016-09-21 -
Mailvelope - OpenPGP encryption for webmails
2015-08-27 -
[tor-talk] Why the Web of Trust Sucks
2015-08-02 -
SKS key server
2015-08-02 PGP key server & pool
Excuses cyber ^ sécurité
2015-02-16 “Les mots de passe sont aléatoires, mais pas au sens cryptographique du terme. On prend des mots de passe auquel un attaquant ne penserait pas tout de suite.”
Oué, comme :
- admin / admin (Livebox bonjour !)
- <service> / <service> ou <service>admin / <service>admin (intégrateur de choc bonjour !)
Some thoughts we had while toying with Gerrit, which artificially tracks different commits to group them as "patch sets", by using a Change-Id SHA-1 in the commit message:
gitbrute: bruteforce a Git commit SHA-1
2015-02-14 Applied example:
To import a certificate to a Java keystore:
$ keytool -import -alias <alias> -file <file>.crt -keystore <keystore>
Example (Linux w/ OpenJDK 7):
$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool -import -alias <alias> -file <file>.crt -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts
Email Self-Defense
2014-12-24 -
Let's Encrypt | Open Certificate Authority
2014-11-19 Arriving Summer 2015... and provided by the ISRG (Internet Security Research Group: Mozilla, Cisco, EFF...)
Neal Stephenson - C R Y P T O N O M I C O N
2013-08-26 In the Beginning... was the Command Line
Full essay: