VirtualTam's bookmarks
73 bookmarks found
browser.fullscreen.autohide => false
User style - GitHub Dark
2015-03-19 -
eww - Emacs Web Wowser | Random Thoughts
2015-03-09 Chords
- M-x eww RET url
Very basic built-in web editor; love it to read articles dealing w/ programmation:
- M-x eww RET url
- M-x some-major-mode
- M-x linum
Let's Encrypt | Open Certificate Authority
2014-11-19 Arriving Summer 2015... and provided by the ISRG (Internet Security Research Group: Mozilla, Cisco, EFF...)
@-moz-document url-prefix(about:blank) {*{background-color:#4b4b4b;}}
Reddit Flat Dark
2014-10-15 -
Lights Out - A Dark Youtube Theme
2014-09-16 -
Split Panel for Firefox
2014-01-14 -
UserFriendly - Website best viewed with...