VirtualTam's bookmarks

  1. Uses a project or repository's history to plot user contributions, displaying an elegant, colored graph of the file arborescence.

    After running it on quite different projects...

    • Python/Bash CI/Jenkins scripts
    • Qt apps: GoldenDict, Psi+
    • PHP website: Shaarli

    ...watching some vids on teh intartubez:

    It allows to arbitrary spot some interesting implementation aspects (sorted by descending impact):

    • language-dependent trees (oh hai Java packages ^^)
    • framework-dependent trees
    • project-management method (none, Agile, TDD)

    Having a graphical tool also quickly shows:

    • the overall structure of the project (a bit cooler than a simple $ tree, way quicker than loading the project on an IDE)
    • the repartition of files (by extensions)
    • who are the most active contributors
    • what are the most modified files over time
    • who does what: additions, deletions, refactoring

    Some more CI-related matters:

    • are there any tests?
    • what is the source code / test code ratio? (we could expect a project/lib with N modules to have at least N test modules)
    • who initiates / implements / optimizes test code?
  2. ~/.mozilla/firefox/PROFILE/chrome/userContent.css

    @-moz-document url-prefix(about:blank) {*{background-color:#4b4b4b;}}

  3. Avis à tous les glandus qui se prennent pour des webdevs et empêchent de visualiser des pages, images et autres ressources en les planquant derrière du JavaScript moisi ou du CSS (coucou leboncoin ! coucou viadeo !)

    A voir aussi :

  4. Your page's loading... 100%!