VirtualTam's bookmarks
40 bookmarks found
Emacs org-mode examples and cookbook
2016-11-21 -
Literate DevOps
2016-03-29 """ Instead of opening up a terminal to my virtual machine, I pop into Emacs and load this sprint’s /note file/1, create a new header, and enter the shell and ruby commands in this text file.
What good is this? Unlike a traditional terminal, this allows me to log, document and execute each command.
As an old bear with very little brains, my prose can explain the background and purpose of each command. Clicking the hyperlink refreshes my memory of previous discoveries. A keychord executes the code block… """
Introduction to Literate Programming
2016-03-29 "Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do."
- Donald Knuth
jonas/tig: Text-mode interface for git
2016-03-14 Git repository browser providing several colourful views:
- file tree w/ revisions
- different kinds of log
- blame - when highlighting a line, displays the corresponding diff in a side pane
browser.fullscreen.autohide => false
Magit User Manual
2015-03-21 -
eww - Emacs Web Wowser | Random Thoughts
2015-03-09 Chords
- M-x eww RET url
Very basic built-in web editor; love it to read articles dealing w/ programmation:
- M-x eww RET url
- M-x some-major-mode
- M-x linum
Elpy, the Emacs Lisp Python Environment
2015-03-08 -
electric-indent has been activated by default in emacs 24
to disable it for Python: (add-hook 'python-mode-hook (lambda () (set (make-local-variable 'electric-indent-functions) (list (lambda (arg) 'no-indent)))))
Emacs: pkgbuild-mode.el
2014-10-14 -
Major mode to edit web files/scripts
Open source racing game with a track editor. It focuses on closed rally tracks with possible stunt elements (jumps, loops, pipes). You can drive in Single-Player mode racing against the clock or completing championships. There is also an online Multi-Player mode.
Lisp Downloads -=- Eric Marsden
2013-08-18 Cool Lisp modes, featuring coffee.el (HTCPCP) and some server (httpd, postgres) utils
Pierre Desproges interviewe Françoise Sagan
2013-07-17 Un de ces jours, je vais ramener un casque au taf... M-x autist-mode
Planet Libre - Emacs et HTML